Thursday, April 2, 2009


So these past couple weeks have been so crazy! I've decided to start blogging more to share my experience over the next few months as Warner Music Groups, Corp. Public Relations Intern (I guess that'd be my offical tile).

This whole thing started back in October, I was set to go work with Kadilsha Cain from Asylum Records. When I got to the US/ Canada boarder, I was denied entry. I was devastated, but pushed on, and stayed in contact with WMG's HR. Long story short, I re-applied and went for the interview about two weeks ago. I got the call back and cried when I was told I was chosen.

The word to describe how I felt: baffled! I was floored at the fact that of all the people who have applied, a little Jamaican/ Canadian girl was chosen!

Thus, I have made the choice to chronicle my last month in Canada and the next four months that I will be spending in New York.

Its my final three or so weeks here and I have a lot to take care of. The current problems I face:
1. Money (and lack there of). I've been working since I was 14 years old, so the thought of not having any income, to me, is terrifying!

2.School. My teacher is trying to tell me that I will loose 10% if I miss the two days which is total BS, since other students miss school for their internships as well).

3.Packing. All my clothes not enough space!!

This is the chance of a lifetime. My blog is my corner, my world, welcome to my life.

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